Home is where the hunt is

It was around 6am in the morning when the overnight train from Belgrade rolled into Zagreb. Yohan and I had slept well but were still awakened early, so turned up on Zrinjevac with half closed eyes and tired limbs. All the talk in my head from leaving Belgrade had been how I will be moving there next year. At 30% cheaper than Zagreb, it was the only sensible option.

But once again, as my feet hit the streets of this magical city those thoughts became laughable. This really is the place for me, Zagreb is the only place I’ll be happy, at least in the foreseeable future.

Due to unforeseen circumstances it took us until 6pm to get into our apartment, so we’d had to spend 12 hours sitting in coffee shops taking turns to sleep. By the time we were rejoined by Irish, on a flight back from Romania, we were dead on our feet.

We’ve been here almost a week. The team sheet is myself, Yohann, Irish and my new student Rapid Vienna. There has also been talk of an old friend of mine from University making a call by. Welshy. Irish can’t wait to meet him, the stories I have told.

I have probably 3 months worth of blog material backed up based just on the events of the last week. Rapid is an interesting guy and his sets, caught on film, are great for learning material. He’s got a lot of talent too. Also I have some before and after footage of Yohann’s time with me. The difference is astounding, but still a long way to go.

The issue with JJ was resolved. It’s complicated but it turns out I had drastically misread the situation. There’s a blog post in that too.

Hot summer nights feel like a net
Hot summer nights feel like a net

And here I am. Sitting on Jelly Square, in Mala Kavana, tip tapping out a blog post. The greatest place in the world. The Zagrebian girls are far and away above anything I have seen this or any other holiday. Belgrade, Sofia and Tallin just can’t compete with this town. And the town, beautiful, warm, slow paced and village like. The soft colours, yellows, browns and greens all blend together. The deserted old town, the days passed in the bars of Lake Jarun.

I know a very large portion of my readership is Croatian. Most hits I get are UK, US and Croatia. I wonder if you can understand why I love it here? There is nothing like the feeling of a hot summer night on Jelly Square, sipping coconut milks in Mala Kavana.

One thing that does worry me very much is the rise of tourism in this paradise. Every time I come here there are even more loathsome English cockroaches. Drunk, loud and on the verge of violence. I know full well where this is heading. The Zagrebians don’t see it of course. They are oblivious to the horror that is on the horizon, no clue what is about to hit them. If this trend continues then in a few years the elegant, peaceful Tkalceva will be just another Malia. Enjoy what is left of this glorious city while we can. As soon as the UK scum infest, I am afraid I’ll be off to pastures new.

I can’t do approaches here anymore, but I don’t care. I thought I’d have itchy toes. I admit, I do a little, but the best girl I have ever met in my life is sitting right next to me. Can you believe it? The three lads I am with are tearing around the square doing the sets I can’t. Irish has had a dig at day game and is pretty natural with it all things considered. He was a bit uncomfortable with approaching in the street but when he got over it I could see he knows how to talk to girls. Four sets, one instant date and one number. Both really sexy women in my opinion.

It’s like the old RSG days only I feel like the old retired warhorse. All I need is a text from Lee saying ‘dude, I’m running late, start without me’.

Zagreb. I have taken the cream of your women. She’s right here and in love with me. And now my students are going to start coming here and they will take the rest.

Stories and material to come.

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